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Autumn/Winter 2022

 If there’s a thing we have learned from the last two years, it is that people need hope, literally and figuratively. According to science, hope is far more than a feeling. The truth is that our brain is capable of overcoming obstacles and move on to a safe place of recovery. This move is driven by the chemical effects of hope throughout our body. In scientific terms, hope and recovery are closely related.

This is the reason we see hope as a point of action, a platform over which to reconstruct and not as a passive emotion. Hope demands that we look at chaos, danger, the fear all around us and the apparently insuperable challenges we’re facing

globally. However, we refuse to accept defeat.

For this collection we worked on a palette that reflects the moment, with basic colours, providing safety and fitting all categories of products; timeless hues that bring comfort, and suit all categories of products; and bright colours, visually attractive, that evoke the desire for better times.

With an approach inspired by the physical and mental, this range of colours translates the meaning and interpretation of each tonality and also aims at stimulating our wellbeing, fundamental to relieve us from past problems. It also brings along soothing qualities that sustain the hope for a new beginning.



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